We are offering award-winning, spectacular, deep perspective, globally lauded content. Bespoke, just like you.
Email our manager, Milos Foreman at milos@parvezsharma.com for more information!
To hire Parvez to direct streaming content, film features, shorts, political advertising, and more, get in touch immediately!
For more information on Parvez Sharma you can go here or you can go here or you can go here ! There is an astounding body of work and more links than we can list for our globally applauded work!

= realparvezsharma; = parvez hussein sharma ; # 2 = parvezhusseinsharma; = @parvezsharma
read time = less than a new york minute
i am a storyteller:
noun | sto·ry·tell·er | ˈstȯr-ē-ˌte-lər /
| first known use: 1709 |
( Parvez is a filmmaker, published author, Guggenheim fellow ; Emmy nominee ; nice human and so much more )
We are creating political and all kinds of films, shorts, AR content and more for leading industry names!
We are in the business of demolishing walls and the future is here; it is created by its audience and we offer the best expertise in immersive and volumetric content making!
* Are you here because you have engaged with our work ? curious? a mistake-click? its worth it!
You are at the right place !
Your good karma brought you here and our media is reimagining even 4k, VR, AR and more | A lot can be viewed by request and on our main Instagram account which is @realparvezsharma
Parvez (Hussein) Sharma is an Emmy nominee, too many awards winning, globally lauded filmmaker, author, and reluctant journalist. he created three worlds (historic) firsts, leading to unprecedented media, governmental, policy, academia attention, and praise, part of a celebrated filmography. Parvez is also a Guggenheim fellow (2018) and celebrated author, public speaker (from Harvard to Berkeley to everything in between, more than a hundred engagements) Get him to come to your campus! Get him to create content for you.
ps: Only about 18,000 people in almost a century have this honor of a Guggenheim Fellowship; including august figures like Octavio Paz and Dorothea Lange
In the pictures below you see Parvez getting honored by that much-missed White House! By one of our planet’s most inspiring women as an “LGBT leader” (May 19, 2013)
Some of our work is deemed so historically important, that a great deal of it (9 languages, spanning 4 continents, hundreds of hours) is stored at the prestigious UCLA film and television archive, the planets most prestigious such archive and it is taught at more than 200 university campuses. 8 million-plus people saw it, read it, engaged with it

Find Parvez on Instagram at @realparvezsharma On TikTok and Twitter as @parvezsharma and On Facebook as Parvez Hussein Sharma